Quality Labo Company with certified assurance system; - Quality EN ISO 9001:2008, - Environmental protection EN ISO 14001:2004, - Safety and hygiene ELOT 1801:2008. Severe, continuous quality control of raw materials, intermediates and products obtained. Laboratory analysis, results and records antideigmata each batch produced. Excellent literature (MSDS, TDS, Prospectus, Lot Nrs, SGL approvals, certificates). Insisting on the policy of good and stable; cost-effective quality. Practicality Labo Orientation to the logic of the smallest; required number codes. Simple instructions and documentation in; Greek. Color coding and closures; the labels of products. Practical size and functionality; professional packing. Packaging 4, 12, 20 Lt. on all products.; (1 Lt ability and if required). Direct free delivery in the central; or the individual customer's warehouse. Economy Labo Competitive prices and steadily improved; quality, compared to other domestic products. Much cheaper price comparable quality, at; relating to imported or branded products. Economy in use, this high-inclusive; quantity of the nutrients. Favourable payment terms while; compliance schedules deliveries. Best value (quotient cost efficiency).